// FOR LIQUID USERS (Legacy) var slider_added = !1; //Sets a cookie function zlsetCookie(e, t, i) { var o, r = ''; i && ((o = new Date()).setTime(o.getTime() + 24 * i * 60 * 60 * 1e3), (r = '; expires=' + o.toUTCString())), (document.cookie = e + '=' + (t || '') + r + '; path=/'); } // gets the set cookie function zlgetCookie(e) { for ( var t, i = e + '=', o = document.cookie.split(';'), r = 0; r < o.length; r++ ) { for (t = o[r]; ' ' == t.charAt(0); ) t = t.substring(1, t.length); if (0 == t.indexOf(i)) return t.substring(i.length, t.length); } return null; } var _zlpricep = '{{ product_price }}', _zladdp = '{{ add_to_cart_price }}', _zlcurl = "{{ add_to_cart_price }}", data = '', TRACKER_KEY = '', zl_shop = zl_shop || [], Mrec_key = "", zlOR = "sh"; // Not working // var zlt__debug = getUrlParameter('zlt_debug', window.location.search); // waits for the page to load and then adds the 'setupzlShop' script to the webpage and sets the attributes for tracking customer data. function zlsetScript(e) { var t = document.createElement('script'); (t.onload = function () { // t.onload - wait for page to load then execute the function setupzlShop(); // FOR LIQUID USERS - THESE EVENTS ARE ALREADY TRACKED.. //setTimeout(function () { // _zltrackedEvents(); // calls the function that enables the tracking of orders, page views and, product views //}, 0); }), // the following script sets the required attributes for tracking and then injects it into a HTML